Delete trainer and all files in
C:\Users\USERNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\Cheat Happens\0x90
C:\ProgramData\CheatHappens Temp
Reboot PC to clear excess memory, get a fresh copy of latest trainer, extract it and make sure trainer/launcher/editor is in a folder excluded from virus scans. Empty quarantine folder if needed or set anything trainer related (paths and EXE's) to ALLOW. Disable any Live/Active/Real-Time tools which may trigger false positives in security software which may terminate the game/trainer when it's activated or options used. Run trainer as admin, read the instructions and try again. At times, a new game may be needed to resolve failed options if the data in your save file was altered. Use on a new game and test the option. If it now works, quit to main menu and load your save and try it again.
may need to be added to exclusions as well. Run trainer as admin, read the instructions and try again.
Have all .NET CORE and Framework installed BOTH x86 AND x64 MUST BE INSTALLED
.NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime x86 Link
.NET Core 3.1 Desktop Runtime x64 Link
.NET Core Current Runtime x86 Link
.NET Core Current Runtime x64 Link
.NET Framework (get latest) Link
Reboot PC when done
At times, a new game may be needed to resolve failed options if the data in your save file was altered. Use on a new game, quit to main menu and load your save and try it again.
Still having issues?
Contact us by making a support ticket here.
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or by phone: +1 (201) 701-8213